From the Pythagorean theorem to DNA's double helix, from the discovery of microscopic life-forms to the theory of relativity—the big ideas of science and technology shape an era's worldview.
Ingeniously organized and eminently browsable, this richly visual volume is divided into six big sections—medicine, transportation, communication, biology, chemistry, and the environment. This remarkable illustrated history tells the story of every big idea in our history, seen through the lens of where science is taking us today - and tomorrow.
This bestselling follow up to How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD, includes all original recipes and custom photography.
Coffee table book celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave Festival.
Behind the scenes and behind the trigger on the History Channel’s hit TV show.
On Top Shot, some of the most skilled shooters in the world are gathered together to test their mettle in competition for $100,000. From former military snipers and ex-law enforcement officers to quick-draw artists, modern-day cowboys, and self-taught shooters, they are the best of the best with guns.
In this fascinating book, readers will learn what makes Top Shot one of the most popular reality shows on television.
• The weapons the contestants depend on to win
• Facts and anecdotes about the colorful contestants throughout the years
• The history of sharpshooting, and what it takes to be a master gunfighter
• Behind-the-scenes stories about how Top Shot is created
• And much more!
For fans of Top Shot, fans of astounding gunplay, or fans of reality shows, Top Shot has become a can’t-miss weekly event—and now this book hits the bullseye for them all.
This large and colorful book provides kids with thousands of funny, strange, and unexpectedly true facts—gathered from every corner of the planet!
Illustrated guide to making your own herbal remedies and knowing when to safely treat your family at home and when to call a health care professional. Complementary medicine expert, Tieroana Low Dog, MD, provides tips and advice for holistic health.
Fully revised and updated edition of National Geographic’s Space Atlas features the latest images from NASA and the European Space Agency and maps created by National Geographic’s cartographers.
This eight-volume multicultural YA series leads readers on an unforgettable journey through the world’s greatest works of art and the traditions that gave birth to them. The World Art Tour provides a survey of some of the world’s most fascinating art—from the classic to the contemporary. Filled with beautiful color photographs, each volume explores a different mode of artistic expression from dance, music, painting, and sculpture to architecture, decoration, and culinary arts.
A wonderful new collection of recipes from a revered cookbook author—every cook and kitchen will delight in these 200+ recipes.
Brother Victor established a lasting place in the cookbook world with his From a Monastery Kitchen and 12 Months of Monastery Soups, which have sold 1.5 million and 2.5 million copies respectively worldwide.
The Pure Joy of Monastery Cooking takes Brother Victor’s work a step further with his first fully illustrated cookbook. The meatless recipes collected here capture the essence of culinary and spiritual simplicity as lived at Our Lady of the Resurrection Monastery. And simplicity is here integrated with the virtues of frugality and prudence in a complete cookbook covering appetizers, soups, salads, entrées, crepes, breads, sauces, and desserts.
Brother Victor’s authentic message of simple elegance provides the perfect culinary approach for today’s world. The focus on local ingredients, home cooking, and fine dining is an antidote to the overhyped, overprocessed, and overproduced environment in which we live and eat. Brother Victor’s authenticity shines through in his writing and in the gorgeous photographs taken in the pastoral garden of the monastery where he developed these recipes.
Every cook and kitchen will delight in these 200+ recipes—from Leeks Vinaigrette (notable in light of Brother Victor’s renowned vinegars), to an extensive collection of egg and omelet dishes; crepes and pancakes; vegetarian casseroles; pasta, rice, and couscous dishes; vegetable courses; and desserts. 90+ color photographs.
Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette is a monk of Our Lady of the Resurrection, a monastery that lives under the Rule of St. Benedict and draws its inspiration from the ancient monastic traditions of the East and the West. The monastery is perched on a secluded hilltop in upstate New York. Brother Victor is the author of several best-selling cookbooks, including Twelve Months of Monastery Soups, From a Monastery Kitchen, and Sacred Feasts. He tends the monastery farm and gardens and works in the kitchen, preparing artisanal vinegars and other products that are sold weekly at local farmers’ markets. Brother Victor also collaborates with local Hudson Valley farmers and growers and with Vassar College and Culinary Institute of America students interested in promoting local sustainable agriculture.
A scientific, cultural, historical, and economic survey of the use of marijuana for healing and wellness.
Actors' Equity Association, the union representing stage actors and stage managers, turns 100 years old in 2013. Shaped by the inequities visited on performers in the 19th century, the union has shaped the landscape of the professional American theater. Founded in 1913, it became a force to be reckoned with in an historic 1919 strike the most entertaining and dramatic one (naturally) the nation had ever seen. Since then, Equity has gone beyond securing the safety, health, and rights of stage actors, to become arguably the most progressive force in theater. It stared down not only obdurate producers, but segregation on and off the stage, the political hysteria of the blacklist years, and the challenge of the AIDS epidemic, its members forming what would become Equity Fights AIDS. It entertained the troops of several successive American wars and fostered the spread of stage culture across the land, from the government-fostered productions of the Depression-era Federal Theatre Project to the Equity Library Theatre, which offered the classics to the public at bargain prices. It oversaw the little theater movement's growth into the regional theater movement, and was there when Broadway begat Off-Broadway, and then Off-Off-Broadway. To read this resplendent new book, lavishly illustrated with historical images and stunning photographs, is to learn not only the union's glorious past, but that of American theater itself.
This 8-volume series for junior high and high school students celebrates the strength and diversity of the LGBTQ community today. The overarching message is that there’s a place for everyone to be LGBTQ and be themselves. Whatever your background, personality, politics, passions, and abilities, being LGBTQ is just part of who you are. Providing authoritative and up-to-date information from trusted sources, such as GLAAD and Human Rights Campaign, this series is both practical and empowering. Foreword by Justin Tindall, It Gets Better Project.
“All we have to do is give them half a chance. They’ll do the rest.”
—Carole Noon, Ph.D., founder of Save the Chimps
When Carole Noon, a wildlife biology student, attended a lecture given by Jane Goodall, it was a life-changing moment—for Carole herself, and, ultimately, for hundreds of rescued chimpanzees. She began working with Dr. Goodall on her ChimpanZoo program, which kindled the passion that would lead Dr. Noon in 1997 to establish the Save the Chimps sanctuary. Opening Doors: Carole Noon and her Dream to Save the Chimps tells the inspiring true story of how one woman’s vision and dedication altered the lives of so many, and paved the way for a more humane world.
Opening Doors chronicles Dr. Noon’s personal journey from ardent animal lover to powerful advocate; from her field work at the Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in Zambia to her initial bid to rescue 141 Air Force chimpanzees, who had been used in early space exploration and were subsequently deemed “surplus material.” It also explores the ethical questions that drove her to create what is now the world’s largest sanctuary for chimps rescued from biomedical research, entertainment, and the pet trade.
Along the way we meet some of the chimpanzees who have found refuge at Save the Chimps and the devoted staff and volunteers who work to give the chimps a quality life. Poignant photographs throughout allow us to gaze into the eyes of the chimps, with whom we share 97 percent of our DNA and to read the history written on their faces—faces that are strikingly like our own.
This 10-volume series for junior high and high school students explores the origins, history, and regional observances and celebrations of religious and secular holidays around the world.
The ten-volume YA Nations in the News series focuses on countries that are generating significant news coverage and provides the background needed to understand current events. The books promote a deeper appreciation of the conditions behind the headlines, covering economies, governments, politics, quality of life, society, culture, and more. The history of each country is integrated into the discussion of larger topics, always with an eye toward providing context.
Commissioned for the International Rescue Committee’s 75th anniversary, From Harm to Home with color photos throughout is the official history of this non-profit organization and its unparalleled work on behalf of refugees.
During the 1930s and 1940s, the humanitarian instincts of a few concerned individuals quickened into a rescue operation that plucked thousands of victims from the jaws of fascism in Europe. by the mid-1940s, these individuals were united under the single banner: The International Rescue Committee. During the years that followed, the IRC turned its founding instinct into a mandate to act on behalf of the persecuted and displaced anywhere in the world and developed the core competencies necessary to do that. In the 1990s, it successfully navigated a period of dramatic growth and change. By the twenty-first century, the IRC found itself poised to do more, and for more people, that ever before, providing lifesaving relief, community-building aid, and resettlement services to uprooted people in 23 countries around the world.
Eat for life. With every food choice you make—every meal you prepare, serve, and enjoy—you are shaping the future. Choose well, and you build the foundation for strength, longevity, and a healthy brain and body. Choose wisely, and you support the fisheries, farms, and factories designed with respect for the future of Earth’s bounty. Choose correctly and you nourish your family while you sustain the planet. This is the message of National Geographic Foods for Health.
Created with two of today’s most forward-thinking food experts, Barton Seaver and Dr. P. K. Newby, this book feeds your culinary imagination and informs your curiosity about the nature of dozens of foods both familiar and little known.
• 150 featured foods and beverages, from avocados to wild rice
• 100 new cooking ideas, including tasty pairings and handy preparation tips
• includes proteins and whole grains, beverages and seasonings
• expands on latest nutritional guidance from national experts
• details the health benefits of all the foods you eat
Read about your favorite menu items, browse for new cooking ideas, keep on the shelf as a constant reference—this book will never go out of date.
Inspired by the need to feel comfortable and confident about the colors in our homes, COLOR YOUR LIFE teaches readers how to experiment with beautiful, bold and ageless color schemes for the home without ever making a mistake. ELAINE RYAN'S specially designed color matching system instructs homeowners how to pick colors that won't clash or bore. Filled with practical advice and designer tips to create the home of your dreams COLOR YOUR LIFE speaks to the emotional connection we have to our homes.
Inside there are dependable tips on:
--How to design every room of the home to reflect your lifestyle
--How to work with your child to design a bedroom you both will love
--How to transform an ordinary bedroom into a sensuous bedroom
--How to bring color into your home and life if you've become suddenly single
--Plus much more.
Through fun worksheets- like the amusing and practical "Supermarket Test", tips and other useful analysis sprinkled throughout the book, the reader learns to discover their favorite colors and how to incorporate them in their home. In addition, this home decorating how-to includes a set of punch-out COLOR BARS, ELAINE RYAN'S unique color matching system that makes choosing colors easy and fun. And because the colors have already been coordinated for you it is impossible to make a color mistake. They are a proven fool-proof way to COLOR YOUR LIFE!
This 10-volume series for junior high and high school students profiles careers that can be pursued with a high school diploma or GED.
This 25-year retrospective of jewelry artists Denise and Samuel Wallace includes 150 works created from silver, gold, fossil ivory and semi-precious stones and features 16 intricately crafted belts from early in the artists' career.
Did you know that Canada was almost called Hochelaga? That’s just one of thousands of wacky facts awaiting readers in Uncle John’s quirky celebration of Earth’s second largest country. You’ll find page after page of bizarre history (like why the beaver was once classified as a fish), plus head-scratching news items (like the crook who returned to the Tim Hortons he’d just robbed to tip the workers), odd places to go (like Mr. Spock’s birthplace in a town called Vulcan), and crazy eats (like the restaurant that makes you eat in complete darkness). So whether you live in Come By Chance, Joe Batt’s Arm, Starvation Cove, or anywhere else inside (or outside) of Canada, yukon count on Uncle John to deliver a world of weirdness from all over this great country. For example:
- Cow-patty bingo in Alberta (Rule #1: Wear gloves)
- How to enforce the new Quebec law that requires dogs to be bilingual
- The sea of Molson Golden that once shut down an Ontario freeway
- The mystery of the mini earthquakes in a New Brunswick town
- Why it’s illegal to kill a sasquatch in British Columbia
- The Nova Scotia company that makes mattresses for cows
And much more!
Now in its fourth season, Mail Call is the most popular program on the History Channel and the only show in America where the host has a bazooka and knows how to use it! In this tie-in book, just as on the show, R. Lee Ermey -- in his singular, in-your-face style -- provides entertaining and little-known facts about the vast arsenal of deadly hardware used by the armed forces. Mail Call is filled with historical anecdotes, interesting factoids, quotes from top military experts, and much more.
This book is sure to appeal not only to military nuts and "gear heads," which is a very sizable audience in itself, but also to garden-variety history buffs; Ermey's repertoire runs the historical gamut from ancient catapults to Samurai swords to Civil War cannons to modern grenade launchers.
Steven Raichlen has zoomed to renown as the master behind the bestsellers How to Grill and the Barbecue Bible, and over the years he has created hundreds of mouthwatering recipes using healthy, low-fat ingredients and cooking techniques to unleash vibrant and flavorful dishes. From tapas and Mexican specialities to pasta and grain dishes, to hearty soups and stews and inspired vegetables, this big, beautiful volume is a treasury of good-eating. The 85 color photographs offer guidance and temptation, and helpful hints from Raichlen pepper the text throughout.
150th Anniversary History
The Civil War era saw a major change in American medicine. In the middle 19th century, the practice of medicine began emerging from the Dark Ages to one based on scientific principles and procedures that had been pioneered in Europe. In 1860 Florence Nightingale established the first school of nursing in the world at St. Thomas Hospital in London, England. It was just two years after the end of the Civil War, in 1867, that Joseph Lister of Glasgow published his germ theory of disease.
One of the most significant advances in the history of medical science was yet to come—the discovery of X-rays in Germany by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. Just four years later, a small, 200-bed orthopaedic hospital on East 42nd Street in New York City installed its first X-ray machine, enabling its physicians to peer inside their patients without the need for a surgical scalpel. That hospital, which had planted its roots during the time of the Civil War, would grow to become Hospital for Special Surgery, which in 2013 is the oldest orthopaedic hospital in the nation.
Surprisingly, the original name of the hospital—The Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled—was better recognized by New York’s citizens in the early 1900s, just five decades after its founding in 1863, than when its name changed in 1940 to the Hospital for Special Surgery. A century ago, many hospitals were named for conditions or the diseases of its patients, such as hospitals for unwed mothers, for the insane, for incurables, even for cancer—an even-more dreaded word in those days. So it wasn’t unusual for years afterward for people to still call this early center of orthopaedics “Ruptured and Crippled” (shortened to “R and C”). These and other intriguing facts fill the pages of Anatomy of a Hospital, which outlines the birth and growth of New York’s 150-year-old Hospital for Special Surgery. Learn about its modest beginnings in the middle of the Civil War, in the home of its founder, James Knight, MD—just six weeks before the 1863 draft riot of New York City—and track its rise on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to become the nation’s leading provider of orthopaedic care.
Anatomy of a Hospital is organized in three parts. Part I chronicles the hospital’s 150-year development in 14 chapters, written by the editor-in-chief, David B. Levine. Part II consists of five chapters written by department chiefs or senior staff, delving into the history of the major supporting hospital departments. Part III, the last, consists of chapters authored individually by Louis A. Shapiro and Thomas P. Sculco, MD, president and chief executive officer and surgeon-in-chief, respectively, of Hospital for Special Surgery.
As New York City expanded to become a world financial, cultural, and social force over the past 150 years, Hospital for Special Surgery has blossomed into an international leader in musculoskeletal treatment, research, and education. This story details the challenges and successes of that amazing journey.
"To this Benedictine monk—whose vegetable and herb beds, chickens, and sheep surround his small monastery—preparing food is prayer.”—Gourmet
Simple and natural: these are key aspects of the monastic cooking for which Brother Victor has become so widely known and the reason his cookbooks have become international bestsellers, inspiring home cooks the world over.
This Good Foodpresents some 150 French vegetarian recipes that take advantage of seasonal produce and readily available ingredients.
These classic and contemporary vegetable dishes emphasize the connection to nature that is so vital to monastery cooking and the key to making meals that nourish both the body and the soul.
From a healthy Peasant Soup to a Leek Tart, Fava Beans Castilian Style to a Mushroom Salad with Lemon to Basque Cake with Pears, Brother Victor will show you how rich and delicious flavors can be coaxed from simple ingredients when combined and prepared in the appropriate way. 50+ black-and-white illustrations
Part of the beautiful and popular Word Cloud Classics series published by Thunder Bay Press, Bram Stoker’s Dracula was awarded the Gold Award for Cover Design—Small Format (Fiction) at the 2013 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards. The Independent Book Publishers Association Benjamin Franklin Awards recognize excellence in both editorial and design and are regarded among the highest national honors in small and independent publishing. The Word Cloud Classics series features over 25 classic works of literature with a clean, modern aesthetic. The books have heat-burnished covers and foil stamping and come in chic color schemes with high quality, matching end papers.
Jules Verne, published by Canterbury Classics’, was a silver finalist in the Gift Books category at the 2013 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards. The embossed, foil-stamped cover and custom end papers provide an elegant presentation for this collection of classic novels, which includes Five Weeks in a Balloon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, and Journey to the Center of the Earth. The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards recognize excellence in both editorial and design and are regarded among the highest national honors in small and independent publishing.
Brother Victor offers more simple and elegant vegetable recipes.
Keeping simple, homegrown elegance at the center of his culinary approach, Brother Victor has delighted the world’s palate and its soul through the success of his books
From a Monastery Kitchenand
Twelve Months of Monastery Soups. On the heels of 2010’s
The Pure Joy of Monastery Cooking, his first fully illustrated cookbook, Brother Victor revives one of his classics,
Fresh from a Monastery Garden, originally published in 1998.
These 200 vegetable recipes come direct from his kitchen at Our Lady of the Resurrection Monastery to yours. They rely on the vibrancy of flavors and aromas and stay true to Brother Victor’s belief in being kind to the Earth. If you’ve never tried Brother Victor’s clean, healthy approach to cooking, it’s high time you did.
Dishes borrow the richness of his southern French culinary tradition, with recipes like Fennel Ratatouille, Asparagus Risotto, and Alsatian Tomato Salad. You’ll also find techniques for canning and preserving fruits, vegetables, such treasures as Apple–Sweet Potato Chutney and Corn Relish.
The Monastery Garden Cookbook celebrates vegetables, offering a lifetime of deliciously healthy eating. Formerly published under the title Fresh from a Monastery Garden. Two-color interior throughout.
The Top Careers in Two Years set provides detailed information for students seeking a rewarding career without committing to four years of college. There are numerous job opportunities for students with an associate’s degree, comparable certification, and work or life experience, and this set covers many in-demand careers in various industries. Each volume looks at a separate industry based on the Department of Education’s Career Clusters.
"...will have appeal in high school and public libraries."
American Reference Books Annual
"...very readable...A useful addition to career collections in community college as well as high-school and public libraries."
"...a valuable tool for any middle school or high school that covers career exploration in its curriculum...should be in every library collection...Highly Recommended."
Library Media Connection
Launch a great career in two years!
The Top Careers in Two Years set provides detailed information for students seeking a rewarding career without committing to four years of college. There are numerous job opportunities for students with an associate’s degree, comparable certification, and work or life experience, and this set covers many in-demand careers in various industries. Intended for students in grades 9 and up, each volume looks at a separate industry based on the Department of Education’s Career Clusters. After a helpful introduction, each invaluable guide features approximately 10 to 12 informative job articles, followed by appendixes providing general job-seeking and interview tips.
Job profiles include:
The L.L. Bean Ultimate Book of Fly Fishing is an exciting full-color book for beginning and expert fly anglers alike. Produced in conjunction with L.L. Bean, America's most trusted name in outdoor apparel, and written by unquestioned experts in the field, this book is divided into four essential parts--General Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing for Bass, Fly Casting, and Fly Tying--and covers each with in-depth analysis in clear, easy-to-follow language. Learn about assembly of fly tackle; the biology of fish; natural fish foods and how to imitate them; safety techniques; bass flies; where to find bass; the eleven habits of highly effective fly casters; the basic four-part cast; the roll cast; the basics of fly tying; types of flies; the top ten most popular and successful fly patterns; and much more. The L.L. Bean Ultimate Book of Fly Fishing is the perfect gift for seasoned anglers looking to improve their skills, novices picking up a fly rod for the first time, and for all those who have ever dreamed of trading in their suits for a pair of waders.
Radiography Licensing Exam Preparation